COVID-19 & Cliniko
Our founder Joel Friedlaender explains what's happening at Cliniko in light of the COVID-19 global health crisis, and what you can expect from us in the coming weeks.
Joel Friedlaender·

Hi everyone,
Many are probably wondering how current COVID-19 world events will affect Cliniko, as you rely on it daily in your business. I was planning to write a "business as usual" type post to share with you all, as we're a completely remote team, and already everybody works from home.
It's far from business as usual though. There's uncertainty over the coming months. People with children are accomodating school closures. There's a shortage of household supplies. Social events and public activities are cancelled. These are not normal times, and even though our way of working allows us to handle this in our stride, everyone is affected by this.
We are still providing 24/5 support, we're still developing and advancing Cliniko every day, none of that is changing. But are we as productive as usual? Probably not. We're distracted, we're concerned, and we're doing what we can to help our families, the community, and others. You can of course rely on us during these tough times, but I'd be lying to claim "Business as usual".
Another key change, is we're 100% focused on how we can help you through this COVID-19 pandemic. These are challenging times. They will likely be causing many health businesses to work in different ways than they're used to (ie. Telehealth). We are re-evaluating our priorities, and shifting all work to things that we believe will be most impactful for you in the coming months.
We're also putting together some guides on using the features in Cliniko you need right now. Communicating with your patients, amongst other things. We'll be making a strong effort to share useful information with you, without just adding to the noise. We'll also be sharing what we've learned being a remote company for the past 10 years.
You'll find this information in our help centre. We'll also be sharing information via other channels, too.
I wish you all the best in the coming months, and please let us know how we can help.
Image couresty of CDC Public Image Library.