Is Cliniko down? Here's how to find out instantly
We’ve made it super easy for you to check Cliniko’s status whenever you want.
Doug Pohl·

We've just launched a new status page that lets you see the current status of Cliniko, including availability and speed.
To get a rundown of what’s happening with our system at any time, just head to Here you can check the speed and stability of our servers and get progress updates on any issues.
This status page also lets you opt-in to receive notifications when our system is experiencing trouble. Just select the button ‘Subscribe to updates’ at the top of the page and choose how you’d like to be notified. You can pick between email, SMS, Slack, or RSS, and you’ll have the option to unsubscribe at any time.

Whatever your choice, you’ll get a notification if we detect an issue, as well as additional updates as we make progress toward resolving it. That way, you can stay informed on what’s happening, and you’ll know as soon as things get back to normal.
We hope this status page and notification system are useful for you. Technical issues don’t happen often, but when they do, this will help you stay informed.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team. We’ll be happy to help!