Australia is on fire & Cliniko would like to help
Joel Friedlaender·

I'd love to be doing a Happy New Years post, but as you likely know, Australia is on fire right now. There are devastating fires around the country, and many people are in need of assistance. We've found a couple of ways we'd like to offer some help.
Firstly, we've just donated $5,000 each to the CFA (Country Fire Authority) and WIRES (Wildlife Rescue). In case it's helpful to others, we did some research to find the most effective way to send them money. We were disturbed to find that facebook fundraisers (and similar) will take up to 45 or even 90 days to send the funds to the organisation. This is far too long in an emergency situation like this. If you are looking to donate to either of these organisations, you can do so via direct deposit to:
Name: Country Fire Authority Public Fund
BSB: 063 225
Account: 1022 2326
Name: Wires
BSB: 062 170
Account: 10017540
You can email them and request a receipt, it can take some time of course for them to process that currently (WIRES expects 1 month delay).
Secondly, we want to help any of you that are using Cliniko and are affected. It's very hard for us to know which of you might be in this position, but we want to help if we can.
If you or your business is affected by the bushfires and could use some assistance, please let us know. We'll try to help as best we can. We've set up a short form to fill out, and we'll get back to you quickly .
It's heartbreaking to see what's going on around Australia right now.
Photo by: James Brickwood / SMH