Cliniq Apps

Automatic Recalls, electronic Intake Forms, Patient Satisfaction Tracker, Mobile app and much more!

New Patient Acquisition

Automate day-to-day tasks

Cliniq Apps is an automation platform that helps you run your day-to-day tasks more efficiently. It streamlines your patient journey by improving your patient experience and reducing your admin workload.

Features include:

  • Electronic patient forms
  • Patient acquisition
  • Advanced recall mechanism
  • Patient satisfaction tracker
  • Calendar optimisation (cancellation & DNA management)
  • Patient journey optimisation
  • Check-in / walk-in kiosk
  • KPI dashboard

Sign up, guided setup

Cliniq Apps integrates seamlessly with Cliniko using your API keys. Signing up and integrating is free of charge, and a free one-hour demo session is provided to assist you with setting up your processes and protocols.

Get started

To learn more about how Cliniq Apps can help streamline your patient journey, improve patient experience, and reduce your admin workload, chat with the Cliniq Apps team. They will guide you through each step of the process.