
Full ACC-Cliniko Integration. Create. Invoice. Manage.

SubmitKit ACC Submission

Your ACC hub

SubmitKit is your total ACC-processing hub. It enables to you to quickly and easily lodge new claims, invoice ACC and accredited employers, manage your ACC payments including partial payments, and track treatment allowances and claim expiry dates.

Invoice when you want

Each user or practice manager can fulfill their ACC needs either as they go, or they can simply leave it to the end of the day, week, or month. Patients can even fill out their ACC forms directly on a device. You will also have ACC’s claim, invoice, and payment data at your finger-tips, and can retrieve the details of a claim using just a claim number.

Seamless data flow

SubmitKit pulls through patient data from Cliniko, allowing quick lodgement of ACC claims. It utilises auto-address completion and enables you to push these patient details back to Cliniko. Only your ACC appointments will be retrieved from Cliniko, and invoices created based on this appointment data.