90-day free trial for members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
90-day free trial for members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

We are proud to be exclusive partners of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Jump in and discover what makes our practice management system stand out from the crowd.

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Trusted by thousands of practitioners in the United Kingdom and around the world.

Take control of your time and run your practice on your own terms. Cliniko’s easy-to-use features help manage your bookings, patient records, detailed treatment notes, and so much more.

Enjoy built-in telehealth included with every subscription and connected apps that make exercise prescriptions a breeze.

Cliniko is UK GDPR compliant, and we’ll keep your data safe on our secure servers in the United Kingdom. Get started today!

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Cliniko has changed my life — literally! I transitioned to Cliniko when I began leading my clinic in 2015 — we came across from paper notes and paper diary. It has enabled us to grow from 1 to 5 locations, and add an extra 15 therapists in that time, and improve our admin efficiency by > 50%.

Jack O‘Brien

Terrace Physio Plus and Clinic Mastery, Australia